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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Celebrity Children: Spoiled or not? Farrah Fawcett son inherits golden girl mom Farrah Fawcett estate holdings

Redmond is [was] Farrah Fawcett’s only child. As a celebrity child he's grown into a troubled teen; acting like a selfish boore, he's grown into a spoiled adult. Now, he's the sole heir to Farrah Fawcett's blonde bombshell fortune -- the details of her will are finally coming out, and the luxe-locks starlet left Redmond's sire father O-U-T, out. That's the bombshell this blonde dropped -- leaving long time lover Ryan O'Neil excluded from the Will and leaving (almost) all to keep her son flush and in the cups. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT: CELEBRITY CHILDREN HAVE IT ROUGH Having struggled with both drug and alcohol addictions, the son of the beauty queen is presently locked up. He is currently serving time in a Los Angeles county jail, on drug-related charges, and upon release, the Will will provide for his needs. [It's always so tough to grow up with celebrity parents and given everything all your life, poor babe. Rough world, tough breaks...] The documents say he will be given a monthly allowance from the trust, as well as money to buy a home. Concerns for Redmond's judgment are causing celebrity fan watchers to lay odds about how long it will take the adult child to be arrested again or squander what funds from his gorgeous and supportive mother's celebrity looks estate will meter out. What do YOU think about adult children with drug and alcohol addictions inheriting it all? Leave your comments below.

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